Sunday, April 3, 2011


You know how it is when you have a favourite restaurant and even though you've only been going there, for let's say, just over a year, there was some problem and they had to close down.

It wasn't just 1 specific item on the menu or any thing in particular, but it was the familiarity and the ease with which you could just speak to the manager and ask for specific things done to your order. It was like home. After years of just making do with generic stuff, this was a huge upgrade.

And it was nourishing and lifted your spirits and gave you a reason to smile.

And just as you're coming into the 2nd year of being a regular at this establishment, something's happened and it's just not the same any more.

So now, it's kinda out of the picture, you just end up looking for a replacement of sorts, a place that can give you that warm, fuzzy welcome and same sense of home. It is not a pretty process.

And then you sorta come across something that's high on the potential list and you feel that perhaps this might be something new to try. But as it turns out, this new joint is unreliable - erratic opening hours and the customer service is pretty crap.

So you end up feeling somewhat needy, and question why you cannot just breathe and go with the flow. Damn this emotional rebound business.

Deep, huh?

On second thoughts, please don't answer that.