Monday, August 27, 2007

Blame It On The Boogie

There's nothing like losing yourself in the music, moving to the beat, swaying to the rhythm and generally having a gay old time on the dancefloor...until your back aches the next day.

Yes, I have begun to suffer from boogie backaches. Tragedy.

Maybe it's the way I go at it, maybe it's the thrill of a challenge (how low can you go, baby) or maybe when you're dancing on the podium (ok, so maybe they're just speakers but hey, they were raised and the music was good) and your friends are egging you on, you just go with the flow.

And went I did. It's Monday, and my back still hurts. I'll live to shake it another weekend.

Watching this took my mind off the pain...

US 'em!

1 comment:

Rarebeet said...

In the voice of Janice (from Friends), "OH MY GAWDDDD!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh I have to wipe the tears from my eyes! Bravo Mario Lopez for keeping a straight face.