Monday, September 17, 2007

Addictions and Afflictions

Could my new addiction to online Scrabble, also known as Scrabulous, be indicative of my not wanting to dwell on things past and emotions welling up into the present?

Could I be more willing to focus on how best to utilize my Z, X & Y, rather than honestly dealing with me, myself and I?

Have I forgotten how to be one with all? Or could I have perhaps been momentarily lulled into a false sense of completion? I can't get it out of my head...'cos your loving is all I think about (la la la, la la la la la)...

In related news, here's the artwork for Kylie Minogue's new single "2 Hearts".

And could this be the cover for her new album due out sometime in November?

I'm in Singapore for a couple of nights - let's see what I can focus on here.

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