Monday, November 5, 2007

Bedtime Stories

For the first time on a long-haul flight, I popped 2 sleeping pills to help me sleep. And help it did - I actually missed my 2nd meal on the flight from LA to BKK, which kinda works out to be 7 hours, which is a long amount of time for me to be asleep on a plane, which on a 16-hour flight, is a very good thing.

I thought that it would be good for me to stay up as late as I could on my first night in KL, you know, to re-adjust to local timings of my usual routine. But I didn't factor in a late-night caller a-calling, which resulted in my going to bed around 5:30 in the morning. And waking up 5 hours later. And then falling asleep again at noon for another 7 hours - which meant that I was sleeping in LA time.

Thankfully, it was good, dreamless sleep. Methinks this readjustment will take a while. Is it time to get new pillows?

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