Saturday, February 9, 2008

Boundaries, Drama

How soon is too soon? How close is too close? Over this past week or so, I've had to think hard about where the boundaries are, invisible and unspoken as they might be.

It's hard when emotions rule, and as verbose and eloquent as I think I am, the diplomat in me finds it painstakingly challenging to say what I actually think and feel. Am i some sort of pity party planner, or just a sucker for drama?

Rejection - or rather, the fear of rejection, is a bitch, bar none. I can only work at being as honest as I can be where it really matters. I hope the Rat will be good to me. And you.

And how fab does Madonna (with daughter Lourdes in tow) look at the Gucci fund-raising show she hosted earlier this week? (Click for larger image)

Being Forbes' richest woman in music (US$70mil last year) sure can go a long way in making 50 look effortless.

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