Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Week In (Sofa So Good)

It's been a week since I made the move from KL to HK and already I've completed my first project at work, collected the keys to my apartment, placed an order for a bed that will arrive in 4 weeks, experienced another typhoon and I'm also planning for a work trip to Seoul next week.

Then there's the business of my cats delayed flight into HK. They were supposed to have arrived last night but with the typhoon churning up strong winds, their flight was delayed 'til 9 this morning, which would mean they will arrive at my apartment, totally freaked out and pissed off, around 4pm today. The apartment's furniture-less but I've got the stuff that I shipped from KL, so I hope that will help with their assimilation into a smaller space.

And I'm also gonna be putting a deposit down today (I think) for a customized sofa. I knew that this time around I didn't want to Ikea-fy my apartment. I went to see the sofa makers that my friend Eugene recommended and they said it'll take about 3 weeks to complete. I've been looking at designs online to get ideas for what would work for my 638sq feet-apartment. It's all very grown up.

Unless of course if I went with this design.

I'll keep you posted.


Hemant Saluja said...


I like this very much. Your talent to make this thing is to good. Then there's the business of your cats delayed flight into HK. I like to buy this type of thing for our home.


DramaMama said...

I love the moo moo sofa!

Anonymous said...

Have you considered TantraChair? (

The boingboing link is work-safe but I didn't click through.