Friday, June 29, 2007

We are all the same

It's Day 4 of Samui and we're down to 5 party people - Chris flew back to Bangkok earlier today, from where he'll then connect back to Chicago and then LA...or is that NYC...oh, he's a busy man.

As I type this, Mike's sleeping on the floor to the left of the bed I'm in, Stephen's to my right, asleep in one of his few remaining clean shirts, and Keith is looking through a Thailand guide book to capitalize on his connecting day in Bangkok tomorrow. Maureen just woke up from her nap on the sofa-bed in the living area.

It's nice and quiet here in our new villa - we checked in a couple of hours ago, when we were a sweaty collection of frayed nerves, tightly wound up with woefully depleted levels of serotonin.

I'm tired and sleepy and I'm sure I'll pay for it all soon enough but for now, I'm feeling good. This sabbatical (if you will) from the daily rigours of my everyday same ol' same ol' has been fun-filled, unexpected and one of the best breaks I've taken in a long, long time. And to think it all began with a chance meeting. Or was it really a coincidence?

I've made great connections on this trip and I've had such wonderful times with a great group of people. My initial reservations have been replaced with the comforting knowledge that I truly connected with Stephen's friends - Maureen (my female version...that's a whole lotta woman!), Mike (smarty-pants, dulcet tones, and so giving), Chris (evil charade whore, funny as hell!) and Keith (everyone needs an awesome friend like him) - and that in more ways that one, this trip was totally worth it.

There's nothing like a huge serving of bittersweet to make you face up to it, deal, learn and grow.

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