Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In, Out & Everywhere

Bit of an intense week, but I just wanted to share something with you cos I've been thinking about this all night.

American TV legend Merv Griffin died a few days after losing his battle with prostate cancer. He was 82 and will be remembered for hosting one of the TV's longest-running talk shows, and also for being the man behind Wheel Of Fortune & Jeopardy. He was well-respected, much-loved and he leaves behind a personal fortune that some reports have estimated to be in the tens of billions.

Then I came across a report from writer/commentator/activist Michelangelo Signorile who wrote on this blog about Merv Griffin's Dangerous Closet. I had also not known about the
palimony and sexual harassment lawsuits filed against Mr Griffin in 1991. Perhaps the news wasn't relevant for non-Americans, or maybe this had happened before the internet made nothing secret, but I had no knowledge of these 'scandals'.

I have mixed feelings about what Mr Signorile had written. While it's not ethical to speak ill of the dead, he was making a valid point with regards to an individual's perceived failure to do good despite their wealth and access to power.

And the coming out and homophobia bit? I don't know. I think it's wrong to out people who have their reasons for keeping a tight lid on their sexual lives. But I think it's also important to know that living honestly and doing your part can be the most empowering thing anyone can do, while still maintaining the right to privacy. Not that it's the easiest thing to do, of course.

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