Saturday, September 1, 2007


It's really odd how a new digital camera and time to kill on a Thursday night can lead to a fantastic ego trip.

But life's too short (I am so overusing this phrase these past few weeks) and if you're gonna know me, you need to see this side as well. Be nice...

From Camera Tripping!
I flew out to HK the next day and after settling in, I went to check out Eugene's new apartment. It's such a lovely space and it's got one of the best views of HK. Congrats, you homeowner!

From Eugene's Casa
I made 3 stopovers between 11pm and 3am and my friend Glenn wins the prize for the coolest T-shirt of the evening. I'm sure my judgment was impaired by my choice of beverage, but it was bright, it was yellow and well, look at it!

It's going to be a busy weekend, what with birthday parties and more overdue catching up with friends. I'll have more to share soon and complete with pics, no less!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go do some ironing.

PS: Lady, thanks for the intro to picasaweb. Loving your pics at the museum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are oh so very welcome :)