Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bugs & Nerves

I arrived back in KL yesterday, fatigued and stuffed from a pseudo-cold and a sorta-flu. 8 hours of sleep didn't quite do it so this morning, I popped over to the pharmacy and got myself some Difflam for my throat, Clarinase for my running nose and from HK, I'm popping Coltanin, which is a super-duper flu med that I swear by.

Suffice to say, I'm a bit numb and fuzzy.

But the thought of seeing Stevie and the rest of my buds in NYC in about 48 hours, and my onward journey to SF and LA where I'll get a chance to see the Suess posse, is making me very excited.

Even if all I wanna do now is sleep.

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