Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's About Time

My US trip could not have come at a better time. This week's been one of those weeks where I really want to thwack people upside their heads.

First there was the cold and the cough which means I'm starting at cranky and tired, which was made worse by that stupid incident at work. And another one that kicked in before I could fix the first. Oh, and then that other thing that happened today that totally turned me into an angry bundle of agitation.

And then there was the call to Mum about money (again!)...I so need to not be at work and not thinking about bills or family (sad, i know) and just be my centered self for a bit. I need Me time so bad. Maybe the 18-hour business class flight will help me unwind.

T minus 24 hours to the beginning of my 2-week US adventure...can't wait!

1 comment:

Rarebeet said...

I'm still laughing about the Claretin! I'm such a freak ritttte? chortle..gasp..sputter...muahahaha
