Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Oh-Eight

I had a full final day of 2007. It was a bit tiring but I had a great time hanging with the gang, who I think might be my current circle. We are a motley crew of characters, with very strong personalities, opinions and barbs, but smiles and hugs and genuineness is only a second away.

OK, so some days it takes longer.

But it's a good feeling, drama and all, and I'm glad I'm able to enjoy their wonderful, colourful company at this point. I'm not thinking ahead or planning for what I cannot control. For that, I have to thank the people I've met and things that happened in '07 which helped me fine-tune my feelings and re-align some emotions.

I hope I'll continue to be honest with my feelings while still being able to maintain diplomacy - I value that as something that I bring to the table. And come on, it's a great life skill to have.

I know that the first 3 months of the year will keep me occupied with work stuff, but I'm hoping that I can continue to be aware and grateful without getting too distracted or derailed. I trust you'll remind me if I forget.

So what are you looking forward to in 2008?

1 comment:

Rarebeet said...

Happy New Year my hot moist brownie. Heres to emulsifying! I am taking a page from your book, heres to more laughs and splits!