Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Long Time No Blog

I know, it's been a while. Funny how time flies when you let a series of little things sorta overwhelm your schedule until you find that it's 2am and something like 15 weeks since you last blogged.

I'm settling nicely into HK, enjoying the cooler weather and smaller spaces, and re-learning the joys of doing a lot of walking. There some nice new people, there are some nicer older friends and work's keeping me busy. I'll try to be more regular here.

But enough about me. Here's a sampling of some of the fun things I'm enjoying.

Here's the awesome Annie Lennox and her new single "Shining Light". Loving this.

You might have already read about and heard Christian Bale's on-set meltdown with the Director of Photography for his new movie, Terminator: Salvation. Here's the meltdown mixed into a pretty kicking dance mix that I want to download to my IPod.

And Lego continues being cool in the age of Obama.

You can see more here.

And speaking of Obama, I love this piece from Fox News on the touchy-feelyness that has come to characterize America's First Couple.

For the uninitiated, fisting is quite an extreme display of affection.

And finally, I catch myself missing KL every now and again.

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