Monday, February 1, 2010


Maybe it's because of my years associated with the music industry that I've always felt very invested in the Grammy awards. Last year, I skipped watching the 'live' telecast for the first time in more than 13 years...and didn't really miss it. Or maybe 'cos I was busy at work. Or maybe it was a boring year for music.

This year's different. I've had a blah couple of weeks, work's not engaging me at the moment, I'm recovering from some weird sty on my eye, and I'm feeling exceptionally needy, what with not having spent any face time with the one who stayed over.

The eye's still acting up slightly so I'm on sick leave today, and had the Grammy's for company. Big year for Beyonce, Lady Gaga & Taylor Swift. But this moment during the award show was unexpected, beautiful and in my opinion, stole the show with its classy showmanship and Pink's underrated strong vocals. Don't know how long this is going to be on the internet, but enjoy this work of art while it's still online.


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