Friday, July 27, 2007

Fluff On Friday

So it's almost the end of July and I've not watched any of the 'must-see' movies. But I am dead-keen to see what The Simpsons Movie has to offer.

The Simpsons have become the longest-running TV series (18 seasons, can you believe it?!) and this movie is long overdue.

And having Green Day do this cool version of the theme tune is pure icing. (Thanks, Stevie)

Music's newest overworked sensation Rihanna has just revealed her latest self-directed music video for the song 'Don't Stop The Music'. (For those who are keeping count, this is her 3rd vid in less than 3 months.)

The song is one of my faves of '07 but oh my god, the video should have been left to more capable hands. They couldn't get a hotter guy to dance with her? Weren't there better clothes to dress her in? What's up with the clapping? I'm still loving the album, though.

Ok, so her album's not gonna be out for, like 6 months or so, and already, the first leak has sprung from the New Madonna/Justin Timberlake project. It's apparently the bridge for 'Candy Shop', so you won't hear much but you get a flavour of the club sounds she's wisely sticking with.

And from the land of TV comes Pushing Daisies (ABC TV), one of the most hyped and promising new entries in the battle for eyeballs. It's got a super smart, bittersweet take on forbidden love, and it makes me swoon and aww just watching this trailer. Read what the New York Times has to say about Pushing Daisies.

Enjoy your weekend, people, and feel better soon, lady.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! But I still have the runs :(