Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Butterfly Effect?

A week ago, my friend Stevie was filmed doing his best karaoke version of the infectious tween hoochie anthem "Lipgloss". That incriminating footage was posted on Facebook and I was transfixed. For some reason, I had never heard of the song - or maybe it was Stevie's ultra-hoochified version that threw me - but I couldn't get Lipgloss out of my head.

Stevie quickly saw to it that I had all the info I needed, and in 7 short days, I've become addicted to this silly song, and I can't wait to get in on the channel. Here's the original -

I'm grateful to be able to count Stevie as one of my closest and dearest friends. Besides being a good sounding board, he's also a great influence and barometer on what's in, what's now, what's poptastic and beyond. A solid review or pitch from Stevie always leads me to interesting new discoveries, which I then pass on and that eventually becomes an altogether new experience for a new group of people, including the channel's viewers.

So here's a shout-out to you, Mr Wong - may our friendship, like your fantastic music blog, continue to grow from strength to strength, you butterfly.

And in sorta related news, 8 weeks after my eventful Bali trip, I bought myself a bicycle. Yup, I finally did it. I've not broken or sprained anything and I'm struggling with balance, and the pedals slapping against my shins is not a good feeling. Standby for pictures. Of the bike, not my shins, mind you.

PS: For the 1st time in my life, a bird pooped onto my lunch at an outdoor restaurant.


Anonymous said...

haha gotta admit that birdie had sharp aiming skills alright!

Rarebeet said...

You know thats a good omen right? Can't wait to see you on your bicycle. Awww bet you look supercute!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Good luck with the balance thing. Send pics!