Tuesday, September 4, 2007

At Home With The Lau's

Attending 5 meetings in a single day is no ride in the park.

Especially when everyone has a strong view, a vested interest, a specific agenda ,and ideas that are not always coherent to everyone in the group.

By 5pm, my brain was fried. I was zoning and had OD'd on my 4th can of coffee (gross but so familiar). I wanted so badly to head back to my hotel room and just roc
k myself to sleep.

But I wanted to see Brian & Jen & my favourite dog in the whole world, Jube. I've known Brian for about 7 years now, and Jen, I've known for about 10.

Throughout the years of our friendship, when they were friends and then lovers, then husband and wife and now, parents-to-be, Brian & Jen have always been there for me.

Each have their distinct points of view, but they both agree on being honest and supportive. They're there when I need a sympathetic ear, a warm hug or just a serious dose of common sense.

They've always made me feel like a member of the family and Jube, well, he's simply icing.

From At Home With ...

It's good to be home.

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