Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Surprise, Surprise

I'm still recovering from my weekend in HK.

First there was the surprise farewell party, organized by Eugene & Alexis, which I didn't see coming at all, which made it all the more pleasant. Those of you who came by, a huge thank you.

Then there was the 12-hour day of back-to-back catch-ups with friends on Saturday. I was so beat that I actually stayed in on a Saturday night. Sunday kicked off with lunch with Brandon's folks and friends, followed by the 'exploratory chat' about work, and finally, Sammy & Jonny's wedding reception and dinner. Sammy glowed and Jonny's speech made me cry (I'm so useless at weddings).

I also had the best time playing part-time manny to a friend's 9-year old (she called me a teenage girl) and 7-year old (he said I had boobs). Ah, kids.

I also got the chance to listen to an advance copy of Madonna's Hard Candy and I must say that the 1st single, 4 Minutes, is nothing like the rest of the album. Look out for future hits Miles Away (catchy hook!), Give It 2 Me (quirky euro-centric), Heartbeat (retro-flavoured), Candy Shop (sticky & sweet) & The Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (drama).

Apparently the leak has already made it to the internet, so happy hunting, Randomers. In the meantime, I'm digging this artwork for Hard Candy's deluxe edition.

I so have to hit the gym.

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